Without question, preventing dental problems is always better than reacting to them.  At Convoy Dental Arts, our team looks for ways to help our patients avoid needless dental treatments.  Consequently, in certain situations, Dr. Chaikin may recommend dental sealants.  This fast and easy procedure assists patients who are a high risk of developing dental caries (cavities).

Understanding Dental Sealants

As the name describes, dental sealants “seal” or cover teeth.  They function similarly to how an acrylic protects wood furnishing or flooring.  Dental sealants are particularly useful for the molars that rest toward the back of the mouth.  The reason lies in the pits of molars (no pun intended), which tend to retain food particles even after light brushing.  Molar pit depth varies and if you have some that are among the deep spectrum, you may benefit from sealants.  This treatment is useful for children and adults.

How Sealants Are Placed

Placing sealants is a completely painless procedure. Also, the process only takes a few minutes, so you can rest easy if you are short on time.  Most of our patients take more time during their exam than getting sealants placed.

After Dr. Chaikin handles your exam, she will investigate if you are a suitable candidate for sealants.  If so, she’ll see which teeth will benefit most and recommend treatment.  The entire process involves the following steps:

  1. Cleaning.  Before placing sealants can occur, it is necessary to perform a deep cleaning of your teeth and mouth to ensure that no foreign particles disrupt the sealing.  Thus, a dental assistant or hygienist may handle a deep cleaning of your teeth.
  2. Tooth Preparation.  The outer enamel on the surface of your teeth is naturally smooth which makes it difficult for the sealant to adhere.  To rectify this, an extremely mild acidic solution is applied to the tooth to aid sealant bonding.
  3. Sealant Placement.  Next, the sealant, which is in liquid form, is gently brushed to the surface of the tooth.  Once enough is applied, we will cure (or harden) the sealant with ultraviolet (UV) light.
  4. Verify and Polish.  The last step is to verify that the sealant is covering the tooth and to polish its surface.  Polishing the surface gives the sealant a natural feel to the patient.

In most cases, Dr. Chaikin will recommend sealants upon need.  However, if you feel that you may benefit from dental sealants, feel free to inquire about them.  At Convoy Dental Arts, we welcome questions and concerns from all patients.